Sunday, March 8, 2009


Well, I am here in Hawaii, and will be here for a few more days. As beautiful as it is, I still miss Master and BrightEyes. Since I have been here, the time difference has really gotten in the way, lol.
There are so many things here I think I would enjoy doing with one or both of them, lol.
I went out to a few clubs with "Ben" the last few days. He knows about Master and BrightEyes. Well, when I left for Hawaii with him, he didn't know too much about them and what goes on within our relationship. I opened up to him and told him all, even things I had only recently discovered or only recently told Master about.
He knows now about my feelings and my fetishes, too.
The beaches here are amazing! I have been getting up early just to walk the beaches before they get too crowded. I think running on a quiet beach is both a great workout and a perfect time to think.
There have been tons of parties! And at each of them, I have felt out of place. More so then usual, honestly. I feel like, while I am here, my heart and mind are elsewhere. I canjust picture BrightEyes, Master and I walking along a beach and gazing at teh sun bathers. I can almost see Master and I at a party, or BrightEyes and I dancing with Master standing off to the side, nodding in approval.
With all the time I have had to think while running the beaches in the mornings, I am more sure then ever that I love BrightEyes and I am more sure of my feelings for Master.
When people try to buy me drinks, I find myself turning them down, thinking that Master would not like it if I got drunk, and how right He is to not like His girls drunk. I find myself worried more about what Master might think if He saw me in an outfit instead of what otehrs would think.
I know that, no matter where I am, Master is with me, all I have to do is look at or grab my tags to remind me of that.
I have met some interesting people, locals mostly. They all have a story to tell or experiences to share. I have been to the beautiful beaches, but I also made a point to drive through some of the less-visited areas, like those one would see on an episode of Dog The Bounty Hunter. Amid all the beauty of the state, there is still another side of it all.
I can't help but wonder, if Master and BrightEyes were with me, if He would allow us to go to the small nude beach, or if He would allow the two of us, or all three of us, to make love with the sand below and the stars above.
I know, not too detailed about my trip, but it is what is on my mind, lol.

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