Tuesday, December 30, 2008

An introduction

My name is Tiger_Eyes, and I am a proud collared submissive. I am very happy being owned by my Master, OwnerOfBeauties. There are people out there who consider a submissive woman as a doormat, but we are much much more. I am new tot his side of the collar, as in the past, I have been the Dominant one. Now, I am happy in my submission to Him, and it has been given freely and of my own free will. A very wise submissive, who just so happened to be mine at the time, and who now belongs to my Master as well, once told me that only through submission to another can her inner self be completely free. I can understand what she means by that now.
For the moment, Master, my subbie sister, and I are in a semi long distance relationship. He is married to BrightEyes (my former submissive, His now) and I am long distance. We are all very happy with this set up right now, and it does not make my submission to Him or His ownership of me any less complete.
I hope to use this journal as a place to express myself in my submission, a place to explore the feelings within myself, and a place to grow and learn more about this side of the collar. I will write about things I feel, or "topics" I may come up with, some of which I have asked BrightEyes to write about in the past or presently, as well as any topics Master may wish I explore further by writing about them or topics He may wish to hear my opinion on. He may also use this journal as a place He can ask me to write my thoughts about a missdeed. Anything I say within this journal, though, holds no repricussions within the bedroom or lifestyle aspect of our relationship.
I live my life by two sayings when it comes to anything lifestyle related. R.A.C.K. (Risk Aware Consentual Kink) and Safe, Sane and Consentual Play. I hope that this journal will help me to learn and grow within my role in our relationship.

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