Monday, July 13, 2009

Master's Rules

Since my sister already posted the rules, gee thanks, I thought I would post some new rule suggestions for Master's approval.
Each of us has to be completely honest about our least favorite impliment of punnishment and tell Master this, so He does not use something we enjoy when we misbehave.
When with Master in any way and going out for a smoke at night, the dress code is as little as possible, factoring in weather and neighbors.
Master's girls should be bald at all times for His pleasure.
If either of us knows of a rule breakage by the other, the disobedient one has one day to confess on her own, then tattling is allowed.
Once it is safe, at night, if Master does not say different, we are to be naked for His wondering eyes to peruse any time He may wish.
If something Master has given permission for (I.e. playing together) does not happen, the permission from Master does not carry over to solo play.
The assumed permission to play if Master does not reply is only for playing together and not solo play.

This is all I can think of for now, as far as suggestions go. I have been thinking about it because Master and I spoke about rules and so did Master and her, as well as she and I.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

An Interview With Master

Tiger Eyes: I know You just realized recently that You were capable of a poly relationship, but were You nervous at first to pursue it?
Master: Of course, and on a deeper level, I still am... What we are isn't acceptable in our world and I'm nervous about being the odd duck in that.
Tiger Eyes: Were You surprised when Bright Eyes said she would be okay with a poly relationship or did You see it coming?
Master: I was a little surprised, but I don't think it was a big surprise. I guess I might have suspected as much; she talks about having been in one before.
Tiger Eyes: True, she was for a little bit. Did it shock You how easy it is for You to care for two women so deeply?
Master: It doesn't shock me. I've always known that I can care for multiple women, I guess it's natural that I can do it on this level too.
Tiger Eyes: Is it hard work keeping two women? I know it is a little easier on You since our birthdays are only one day apart, but is it difficult at times keeping our likes and dislikes separate? Or are we so similar that it is easy?
Master: Well, I have no problems keeping your likes and dislikes separate; you are two different people, so I see you each with your individual tastes... maybe like a 'total package' kind of deal. It is a rather fun challenge to keep you both happy and 'wrangle' the both of you.
Tiger Eyes: Thanks, I think, lol. I know my sister and I are more hard core lifestyle orientated with our relationship, but is there one aspect of the lifestyle You find Yourself more curious about then others or that You like more then others? Any that You absolutely don't like and try to avoid or only do to keep us happy?
Master: I don't have anything I want to try that you two don't know. I don't ever want to do a 24/7 deal, I do know that. And as far as lifestyle stuff, there are many things I do that I do to keep you two happy. I won't do it if I totally don't want it, but a lot of it is stuff I'm apathetic about but pursue because one or both of you want it.
Tiger Eyes: Is there anything lifestyle oriented that You may like to try but have not voiced yet?
Master: Not that I can ever think of. Since I trust both of you, I'm generally willing to mention anything like that, so there won't likely be any secret desires.
Tiger Eyes: Switching gears a little here. What is Master's idea of a perfect date night?
Master: Well, a movie maybe, a little conversation and maybe fast food. Just to get together and play it by ear. The most sincere events are spontaneous ones.
Tiger Eyes: Aww. Well, that answers this question, but here it is anyway. Are You really a big romantic at heart?
Master: I believe so, but not in the field of material things. I like saying sweet little nothings, as I'm sure you know. Just to let you know what I think is good about you; you often blush or cry when I do this.
Tiger Eyes: Yeah, You are good at that, Master, sweet little things. If You could have a choice between a full day in one on one with each of us, romantic dinner, movie, lovemaking, little rough play, or two full days of the same with both of us, which would Master choose?
Master: Can I have both? lol... the first one. I like you each independent of the other as well as together, but you can't fully connect with someone if there's someone else there, and I think I value that most.
Tiger Eyes: There is that romantic side, again, Master. What is Your favorite movie?
Master: Hard to say, but among the top are mostly comedies or WWII movies, like Spies Like Us, Life of Brian, Monty Python's Holy Grail, Sgt. Bilko, or Force 10 from Navarrone. Also, Payback is good.
Tiger Eyes: A few good ones on there. The other ones I have not seen, lol. Sort of loaded question here, but I asked Bright Eyes, so I am going to ask You as well, lol. Celebrity crush?
Master: Jessica Alba, definitely.
Tiger Eyes: Oooh Sexy, lol. If Bright Eyes and/or I could wear one dream outfit for You, fantasy dress up, time period costume, modern day style, etc, what would You choose for each of us? For Yourself?
Master: Modern Casual: Jeans, t-shirt or a sweater, sneakers
Tiger Eyes: How does it feel to have two women in Your life?
Master: It's fantastic. Most guys would only be able to focus on the sexual advantages, but it's nice having you both think of me, care about me, and support me.
Tiger Eyes: Is there one customary lifestyle thing either or both of us do for or to You that You like most? (kneeling, the capitol Y/H, wearing the collar, etc...)
Master: Well, probably not any one thing in particular... maybe just making yourselves available for whatever... *wink*
Tiger Eyes: Could You be any luckier?
Master: Not a chance, especially with the particular two I have.

Monday, April 20, 2009

When I'm not in the Mood...

Master and I had a discussion last night, and I wanted to write a few thoughts about it here. We left the discussion kind of open ended because I wanted time tot hink about it a little before really responding.
The conundrum was: What do I do if I really am not in the mood, don't think I will be in the mood no matter what Master does, but He is horny and Bright Eyes is no where to be found. If I am really commited to serving Master no matter what, I should be available to Him at any time He may want to fool around. On the other hand, Master has said He doesn't want Bright Eyes and I to be slaves full time, only occasionally when we have "slave time". So, what is a submissive to do in that situation?
Well, if I say no, and really mean it, I know Master would not force me to do anythign I didn't want to do, but would that be truely serving Him in any way possible? We all agree that Bright Eyes is more submissive then I am, and we know that she is more experienced on this side of the collar. Her reaction to this situation is different then the reaction I would have.
If Master was horny enough to not be able to wait and Bright Eyes was no where around and I was not in the mood, I would offer Master my mouth, first. If He insisted on more then just head, I would probably allow Him to fuck me, but I would ask Him to take it easy. I am fully confident that once Master slides in, I will become turned on. In fact, I am sure of it, lol.
What would Bright Eyes do? That you will have to ask her. This is what I would do, though. In this situation, I would not think less of myself for "giving in" becasue, I feel, I would actually enjoy myself by the time Master slides in, or very shortly there after.
If we were having a long distance cyber session, and I was not in the mood, would I just fake it and not actually act out everything like Master expects me to do? Not a chance. I would feel like I had betrayed Master if I did that. If it came down to it and I was jsut fooling around for Master's sake with not really being in the mood, I would tell Master first and ask Him if He still wanted to proceed. If He did and He knew I was not acting it all out, then it would be a different story completely. But if Master did not know, then I would not just fake it, I don't want to loose Master's trust, and that would definately cause Master's trust in me to falter.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Master knows

I don't know how or why, but Master knows what it is I need to hear at different times. He also knows what I need to feel. Master has been very understanding the last few days. My father ad a heart attack and I have been taking care of him and not in contact with Master. I know sending a text message only takes a moment, but my mind has been elsewhere. Master has been patient during this time. He even said He was worried about my father and about me. (I think, secretly, Master was worried I would do something silly like forget to take my medication or something, lol). Last night, though, Master knew I needed both tenderness and rough stuff.
Boy, did Master provide both of those to me last night. He can be so tender and gentle while making love that it brings a tear to your eyes, making me shed tears of joy and love. Then, the next, Master can be a strict Dom who expects His word to be followed to the letter. Master knew I needed both of those lovers last night.
Thank You Master. Thank You for knowing what I needed, what I wanted, and not questioning it. Thank You for understanding the last few days. Thank You for Your worry and concern, both for me and for Pop. Thank You for finding me worthy of serving You, Master.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Been Quite A While I guess

Well, it has been a while since I have posted an update, lol. I have been working some, relaxing some, and just generally goofing off, lol.
Master helped me discover another new fetish recently. In conversations with Master, I have hinted at thinking multiple cum shots from multiple people at once would be hot, as would the exhibitionist thing. So, Master, in His infinate wisdom, helped set the stage for me to explore these feelings. The first one we explored was my exhibitionist fantasy. Master picked up on clues from the way I said things and figured out I wanted people I knew to be in a crowd and watching me being taken and used by Him. So, in the middle of a cyber scene, Master said that He wanted me to call the neighbors and invite them over. In the fantasy, I did by simply calling and saying "My Master and I are having some fun, would you like to come over." (Mind you this is all fantasy) When the neighbors arrived, I was naked and by Master's side. He had me get up on the couch and He fucked my in front of the neighbors. The neighbors were a few guys, two of which I know from my professional career. Lets call them M and P. Master also took this time to try out something I had expressed an interest in before. He verbally degraded me. In the heat of the moment, being called Master's worthless whore and useless cum slut was a turn on.
In the fantasy, M and P, along with their friend I did not know, watched in amazement as I begged Master to beat me when I was ready to cum. While Master lashed me with the belt, I came when He gave the command. When Master was done enjoying His whore, He had me get on my knees and splattered me with His cum. M and P were amazed at what was happening. They watched as I cleaned Master's gift off my face, not wasting a drop. As they were leaving, M overheard me thank Master and tell Him I loved Him before I drifted off to sleep in His arms.

The exploration of the multiple cum shot fantasy was one Master set the stage for me to explore on my own in my dreams. I took Master's fantasy of having people watch and expanded on it to have Master offer my mouth to our guests as He fucked me. Knowing Master would not want me to embarass Him by not doing my best with teh cocks given to me to suck, but also knowing Master doesn't want anyone but Hi in that special spot in the back of my throat, I gave each guy there head to th ebest of my ability while not taking them into the back of my throat. Again, I begged to be beaten as I was fucked. Master allowed the other guys to belt me a few times while I sucked them, He also gave me a few lashes. When it was time for all of them to cum, they all showered my face and watched in awe as I took the shots and tried to clean up as much of it as I could. While I cleaned up, Master and our guests all sat around talking and watching tv. When I returned to the room from cleaning up, I sat by Master's feet, still naked wearing only my collar, while Msater visited with our guests.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Well, I am here in Hawaii, and will be here for a few more days. As beautiful as it is, I still miss Master and BrightEyes. Since I have been here, the time difference has really gotten in the way, lol.
There are so many things here I think I would enjoy doing with one or both of them, lol.
I went out to a few clubs with "Ben" the last few days. He knows about Master and BrightEyes. Well, when I left for Hawaii with him, he didn't know too much about them and what goes on within our relationship. I opened up to him and told him all, even things I had only recently discovered or only recently told Master about.
He knows now about my feelings and my fetishes, too.
The beaches here are amazing! I have been getting up early just to walk the beaches before they get too crowded. I think running on a quiet beach is both a great workout and a perfect time to think.
There have been tons of parties! And at each of them, I have felt out of place. More so then usual, honestly. I feel like, while I am here, my heart and mind are elsewhere. I canjust picture BrightEyes, Master and I walking along a beach and gazing at teh sun bathers. I can almost see Master and I at a party, or BrightEyes and I dancing with Master standing off to the side, nodding in approval.
With all the time I have had to think while running the beaches in the mornings, I am more sure then ever that I love BrightEyes and I am more sure of my feelings for Master.
When people try to buy me drinks, I find myself turning them down, thinking that Master would not like it if I got drunk, and how right He is to not like His girls drunk. I find myself worried more about what Master might think if He saw me in an outfit instead of what otehrs would think.
I know that, no matter where I am, Master is with me, all I have to do is look at or grab my tags to remind me of that.
I have met some interesting people, locals mostly. They all have a story to tell or experiences to share. I have been to the beautiful beaches, but I also made a point to drive through some of the less-visited areas, like those one would see on an episode of Dog The Bounty Hunter. Amid all the beauty of the state, there is still another side of it all.
I can't help but wonder, if Master and BrightEyes were with me, if He would allow us to go to the small nude beach, or if He would allow the two of us, or all three of us, to make love with the sand below and the stars above.
I know, not too detailed about my trip, but it is what is on my mind, lol.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Master asked me to think about what my fears might be within the lifestyle. Besides the obvious, there are one or two.
I know, deep down, I am a little afraid of what people may say if we were out together, the three of us, and open about the lifestyle in public. I know a lot of people will disaprove and my image may be tarnished. As much as I do love Master and BrightEyes, I am afraid to loose my public image.
Part of me is afraid of giving up that bit of control over myself. Making someone else accountable for me as a person. It may be the years I spent denying my submissive side, it might just be the Domme side of my personality, but I am afraid to give up that last bit of control over myself. BrightEyes is able to do it so easily, and I know it is because she sees Master as worthy of her submission, and so do I, I just can't give up that little bit of control. I envy BrightEyes because, with all she has been through in the past, she is still able to fully give herself to Master in that way. I am afraid that, one day, my inability to give as fully as she does will cost me this relationship.
There really isn't much Master could say or do that would cause fear in me. My main fear is that Master will one day ask me to do something or say something and I won't be able to comply. Not due to a physical limitation, but a mental one.
I am afraid that, when we are finally together again in the flesh, the chemistry between BrightEyes and myself won't be there as it was in the past.
I am afraid of my feelings not ever being returned. I am afraid I am not the submissive Master would like me to be. I am afraid of the opposite end of the spectrum too. That Master's feelings for me may become stronger then they are for BrightEyes or that He will not be comfortable with BrightEyes submitting to me, or that she submits more to me then Master.
I guess that I am afraid of more then I initially realized, lol.