Sunday, April 5, 2009

Master knows

I don't know how or why, but Master knows what it is I need to hear at different times. He also knows what I need to feel. Master has been very understanding the last few days. My father ad a heart attack and I have been taking care of him and not in contact with Master. I know sending a text message only takes a moment, but my mind has been elsewhere. Master has been patient during this time. He even said He was worried about my father and about me. (I think, secretly, Master was worried I would do something silly like forget to take my medication or something, lol). Last night, though, Master knew I needed both tenderness and rough stuff.
Boy, did Master provide both of those to me last night. He can be so tender and gentle while making love that it brings a tear to your eyes, making me shed tears of joy and love. Then, the next, Master can be a strict Dom who expects His word to be followed to the letter. Master knew I needed both of those lovers last night.
Thank You Master. Thank You for knowing what I needed, what I wanted, and not questioning it. Thank You for understanding the last few days. Thank You for Your worry and concern, both for me and for Pop. Thank You for finding me worthy of serving You, Master.

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