Monday, April 20, 2009

When I'm not in the Mood...

Master and I had a discussion last night, and I wanted to write a few thoughts about it here. We left the discussion kind of open ended because I wanted time tot hink about it a little before really responding.
The conundrum was: What do I do if I really am not in the mood, don't think I will be in the mood no matter what Master does, but He is horny and Bright Eyes is no where to be found. If I am really commited to serving Master no matter what, I should be available to Him at any time He may want to fool around. On the other hand, Master has said He doesn't want Bright Eyes and I to be slaves full time, only occasionally when we have "slave time". So, what is a submissive to do in that situation?
Well, if I say no, and really mean it, I know Master would not force me to do anythign I didn't want to do, but would that be truely serving Him in any way possible? We all agree that Bright Eyes is more submissive then I am, and we know that she is more experienced on this side of the collar. Her reaction to this situation is different then the reaction I would have.
If Master was horny enough to not be able to wait and Bright Eyes was no where around and I was not in the mood, I would offer Master my mouth, first. If He insisted on more then just head, I would probably allow Him to fuck me, but I would ask Him to take it easy. I am fully confident that once Master slides in, I will become turned on. In fact, I am sure of it, lol.
What would Bright Eyes do? That you will have to ask her. This is what I would do, though. In this situation, I would not think less of myself for "giving in" becasue, I feel, I would actually enjoy myself by the time Master slides in, or very shortly there after.
If we were having a long distance cyber session, and I was not in the mood, would I just fake it and not actually act out everything like Master expects me to do? Not a chance. I would feel like I had betrayed Master if I did that. If it came down to it and I was jsut fooling around for Master's sake with not really being in the mood, I would tell Master first and ask Him if He still wanted to proceed. If He did and He knew I was not acting it all out, then it would be a different story completely. But if Master did not know, then I would not just fake it, I don't want to loose Master's trust, and that would definately cause Master's trust in me to falter.

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