Thursday, February 26, 2009


Master asked me to think about what my fears might be within the lifestyle. Besides the obvious, there are one or two.
I know, deep down, I am a little afraid of what people may say if we were out together, the three of us, and open about the lifestyle in public. I know a lot of people will disaprove and my image may be tarnished. As much as I do love Master and BrightEyes, I am afraid to loose my public image.
Part of me is afraid of giving up that bit of control over myself. Making someone else accountable for me as a person. It may be the years I spent denying my submissive side, it might just be the Domme side of my personality, but I am afraid to give up that last bit of control over myself. BrightEyes is able to do it so easily, and I know it is because she sees Master as worthy of her submission, and so do I, I just can't give up that little bit of control. I envy BrightEyes because, with all she has been through in the past, she is still able to fully give herself to Master in that way. I am afraid that, one day, my inability to give as fully as she does will cost me this relationship.
There really isn't much Master could say or do that would cause fear in me. My main fear is that Master will one day ask me to do something or say something and I won't be able to comply. Not due to a physical limitation, but a mental one.
I am afraid that, when we are finally together again in the flesh, the chemistry between BrightEyes and myself won't be there as it was in the past.
I am afraid of my feelings not ever being returned. I am afraid I am not the submissive Master would like me to be. I am afraid of the opposite end of the spectrum too. That Master's feelings for me may become stronger then they are for BrightEyes or that He will not be comfortable with BrightEyes submitting to me, or that she submits more to me then Master.
I guess that I am afraid of more then I initially realized, lol.

1 comment:

  1. We share a fear, then, sister. I, too, am afraid that I can't be the submissive Master deserves.
    I guess all we can do is be the best submissives we can be in out service to Him and hope to live up to the kind of submissive He deserves.
