Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Out without Master

While Master was home, doing what He does while with His family, I went out. I have a certian image I have to maintain, and Master understands that and knows there are some things I have to do and act like I am having a good time. Luckily for me, I can go out with a good friend who knows all about Master and our relationship, so that makes it easier to have fun. He knows Master would want me to have fun while out when at all possible.
Well, "Ben" and I went out to a club while Master was home and had a pretty good time. He commented on my dress, asking if Master would approve, to which I explained that Master understands that I have to dress a certian way and He does not mind if people desire what is His, as long as they don't have what is His. Then, while we were out, he asked me if Master would aprove of me getting drunk, which I was not doing, lol. It is nice to have someone I interact with on an almost daily basis who knows about Master.
He said he would watch out for me and keep an eye on me for Master when He is home and not in communication with me as much as when He is on the road.
Having "Ben" around does help me not miss Master as much when He is home and helps pass the time a little.

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