Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'm going to hell

I am definately going to hell, lol. After watching Witness the other day, I had a very vivid dream about Master, BrightEyes and myself. That is not the part that will be sending me straight to hell in a handbasket, oh no, the fact that is sending me straight to the gallows is that I transfered our relationship into an Amish setting. Master and BrightEyes were married on a huge farm and I was the spinster neighbor they were having a wild affair with.
Only I would take such a simple people, a people who are plain in every sense of the word, and turn it into a hot, steamy, forbidden, hell bound dream. I don't know what was worse, if we were all Amish in the dream, that Master was a preacher, or that it was a Sunday when the preaching service was held at their home.
It was hot and steamy, that much was for sure. It was in their barn at the border between their farm and the one I lived on. It was so vivid, I can still see Master in the straw hat and mustacheless beard, BrightEyes in the blue long sleeve dress, prayer cap, and apron, and me in the purple dress, cap, and apron. I can still smell the hay, still feel the wood of the hay loft under my back, the rough feel of the fabric of the homespun clothes as they were removed, still hear the distant mooing of Master's dairy cows.
I can still taste the kisses we shared, still feel Master's beard as His mouth traveled across my body, still hear BrightEyes' groan of pleasure. I can still vividly see Master as He helped us both pick hay out of our hair when we were finished, or feel His beard and hair under my fingers as I removed hay from Him as we all heard the cloppity clop of aproaching buggies. The twinkle of our acts still in our eyes as BrightEyes helped me return my hair to the unforgiving bun under the prayer cap. The wink from Master as He left the barn to get ready for the service. It was wonderful, lol.
Yes, I am without a doubt going to hell, taking an express bus there in fact, but as long as Master and BrightEyes come with me, I don't care, lol.

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