Saturday, January 10, 2009


How do I fill th etime whiel Master is with BrightEyes and their family? I play poker, lol... I didn't do too bad the last two nights, won some money, so it all was okay...
After the matches, I lost a few bucks on teh slot machines, but it is all in good fun.
I miss Master more then I thought I would. I find myself thinking about Him constantly, wondering what He is doing. At least I know in a little while He will be watching the football game... I will also, we will just be rooting for different teams, lol. If the Ravens win, I get a swat for each point, if the Titans win, BrightEyes gets a swat for each point! Sinful!
Game time! I miss Master!


  1. lol, How much is a few bucks? Glad You had a good time, though. Congrats on the football game, that is 3 for You, lol.

  2. Not looking good for Your backside with the Carolina game, lol

  3. lol, We can share for that game since I wouldn't want your backside to feel left out...
