Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I used to think that "sub-drop" was made up by submissives as a way to get attention. I was convinced that, when experiencing it after an intense scene, the shaking body, the ragged breath, the tears, were all faked, an attention getter.
I would think that, when apart, the submissive's claims of longing, the intense feeling of being alone and vulnerable, were imagined by the submissive to get a Dominant to feel bad for them for some reason.
But, now, I know better. And I will say this once, and only once, BrightEyes, I am sorry. I now know that what you experienced was real, is real. The detaching from something so intense, the end result of the hormones released during a scene, the release, or lack of release, of an orgasm.
I know now that this is real becasue, I have experienced it somewhat. I feel vulnerable when I am not talking to Master, which is kind of funny considering who I used to work with and who I surround myself with, lol, I feel that intense coming down after a scene with Him, I find myself thinking about Him constantly, thinking what He may like as I sketch, thinking what He may think as I work.
Man, I was wrong all those years ago, sub-drop is real....


  1. Maybe I should print this and frame it, lol... *wink*

  2. What, I wonder, do Dom/mes go through? Is it similar to sub-drop? Are we, as subs, supposed to believe that Dom/mes are infallible and invincible, not going through the same emotional and hormonal withdrawal after a scene? Dom/me-drop, maybe?
