Thursday, January 8, 2009

Without Him....

Master is going home for a few days. BrightEyes will be happy, lol, as will His family. But I will be without Master for a few days... :( I will get through it, I know I will.
I guess I will get a lot of work done while He is home, lol, so I guess that is a good thing, lol. I will miss our day long chats, though, but it will make talking to Him again when He goes back out all that much sweeter, lol.
There will be football to watch this weekend, should be a good game... Master and I have a little bet... For each game the home team wins, BrightEyes will get one swat for each point of victory, I will get the same for each game the visitor wins, lol. The swats will be given using the impliment of Master's choice, His hand, a paddle, a belt, or a flogger, lol.... Sinful!

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