Thursday, January 15, 2009

When did I....

I asked BrightEyes to put up a post like this, so I figured I would do it as well. When did I first begin to feel my Dominant side? It would have to be when she and I started dating when we were younger. It just fit. I can't really explain it. I just got a thrill from Dominating a woman.
I did not, however, know I was a switch for a long time after that. Honestly, I don't think it was until I began talking to Master that I realized I was a switch, that I liked both Dominating and submitting.
I don't think I could EVER Dominate a man. I am glad that Master does not want that, lol. And I could never submit to a woman, so I am happy that BrightEyes enjoys her role in the relationship so much, lol.
I have always known that I liked women and when BrightEyes and I began dating, I was sure I would never be with a man again. I was content to be a lesbian. There was only one true problem. No woman I ever dated after her could match up to the standard she set, the standard I began to judge every woman by. Not just looks, but personality and submission.
All it took was one conversation with Master for me to realize I was not a full on lesbian but bisexual, lol.
So, I guess you could say I came to know my role in a BDSM relationship later in life then some, and my true sexuality later as well.

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